Shows non-serialized fields in the inspector.
Keep in mind that if you change a non-static non-serialized field in the code - the value in the inspector will be updated after you press Play in the editor.
There is no such issue with static non-serialized fields because their values are updated at compile-time.
It supports only certain types bool
, short
, ushort
, int
, uint
, long
, ulong
, float
, double
, string
, Vector3
, Vector4
, Vector2Int
, Vector3Int
, Color
, Bounds
, Rect
, RectInt
, UnityEngine.Object
Doesn’t work on non-serialized fields that are nested inside serialized structs of classes.
public class NaughtyComponent : MonoBehaviour
private int myInt = 10;
private const float PI = 3.14159f;
private static readonly Vector3 CONST_VECTOR =;