ShowIf / HideIfΒΆ

Can be used to show/hide serialized fields or buttons based on some condition. The condition can be a field, property or function.


If you want to use it on fields that are nested inside serialized structs or classes you need to use the AllowNesting attribute.

public class NaughtyComponent : MonoBehaviour
    public bool showInt;

    public int myInt;

    public float myFloat;

    public Vector3 myVector;

    public bool AlwaysShow() { return true; }

    public bool NeverShow => false;

You can have more than one condition:

public class NaughtyComponent : MonoBehaviour
    public bool flag0;
    public bool flag1;

    [ShowIf(EConditionOperator.And, "flag0", "flag1")]
    public int showIfAll;

    [ShowIf(EConditionOperator.Or, "flag0", "flag1")]
    public int showIfAny;

An enum value can also be used as a condition:

public class NaughtyComponent : MonoBehaviour
    public EMyEnum enumFlag;

    [ShowIf("enumFlag", EMyEnum.Case0)]
    public int enableIfEnum; // Will be shown only if enumFlag == EMyEnum.Case0

public enum EMyEnum